Who we are

Optimal Lifestyle Network (OLN) is an Occupational Service. At OLN we focus on providing support and therapy to children, young people and their families, who are experiencing difficulty with life roles, learning, recreational and daily living skills for a range of reasons or causes. We have experience in working with families across the lifespan.



OLN provides individual, family, group and consultative services in order to develop the confidence, and skills for healthy, independent living. Underpinning our practice is the belief that generalising skills and coping strategies across all domains of an individual’s life is fundamental in the establishment of ‘life confidence’.

About Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapists assist people across the lifespan to overcome or adapt to a range of limitations in order to participate in more independent and fulfilling life roles.

Throughout their training the Occupational Therapist develops skills and knowledge across a number of areas including anatomy and physiology, development across the lifespan, psychology and sociology, the impact of disease and disorder, activity analysis and intervention techniques.

Occupational Therapists adopt a holistic approach to working with and providing services to clients which involves working with the individual, their family, significant others, and systems such as schools where necessary to achieve positive life goals.

At Optimal Lifestyle Network the focus of the Occupational Therapist’s practice is on children and young people who experience developmental delays or difficulties or have concerns academically, socially or emotionally.

Occupational Therapy and Children

As a child often the most important role to undertake is that of a player or learner. For school aged children one of their most important roles is that of a student. Other important roles for children include a family member or friend.

Occupational therapy promotes development in children that experience such difficulties with a focus on the following areas:

Foundation Skills

The young person's physical abilities such as sound sensory processing, fine and gross motor skill development, motor control, bilateral and hand-eye coordination and body awareness.

Functional Skills

Including the day to day living skills such as dressing, writing and interacting with others.

The Environment

Such as the classroom environment, supporting participation, access to the school yard or home or equipment a young person is required to use in order to participate.

The System

The impact the presenting concerns may be having on the system the young person operates within including their family, the school or wider social environment and the resources these systems have to support both themselves and the young person.

When to Refer

Many people will benefit form Occupational Therapy intervention but will not necessarily “look” like they are any different form you or I. Refer when your child finds it difficult to do things they would be expected to for their age.

Difficulty with hand skills such as:

  • Handwriting and drawing
  • Using Scissors
  • Tying shoe laces
  • Using cutlery

Has difficulty with play skills such as:

  • Using toys
  • Ball Sports
  • Trying New things
  • Endurance
  • Imaginative and pretend play

Difficulty with Social and emotional Skills:

  • Making and keeping friends
  • Playing with others
  • Poor attention or concentration
  • Limited interest in activities
  • Managing frustration

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